Turning Point Community Programs Learning Series

Event Program

September 25  -   October 16  -   November 06  -   January 15

September 25, 2024

Title Speaker Description Goals CEU

Recovery and Psych Rehabilitation
(09:00 AM - 01:00 PM)
Pacific Time (GMT-8)

Joe Ruiz


This workshop starts with a fundamental belief that people living with behvioral health conditions can and do recover, and deserve opportunities to build lives not defined by those conditions
Additionally, Recovery is defined as a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.
This workshop explores the process in which an individual engages in their recovery journey, using the four stages of recovery of hope, empowerment, self-responsibility, and meaningful roles as guides.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Psychiatric rehabilitation promotes recovery, full community integration, and improved quality of life for persons who have been diagnosed with any mental health condition that seriously impairs their ability to lead meaningful lives.
Psychiatric rehabilitation services are collaborative, person directed, and individualized. These services are an essential element of the health care and human services spectrum and should be evidence-based. They focus on helping individuals develop skills and access resources needed to increase their capacity to be successful and satisfied in the living, working, learning, and social environments of their choice.

Participants will:
Learn the four stages of recovery and how to apply them in their understanding of a person's recovery process:
-Hope, a belief that people can grow and learn
-Empowerment, having a sense of one's own capabilities and power
-Self Responsibility, setting one's path, taking charge of one's life, and learning one's own lessons

Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Participants will:
learn the values, principles, and practices of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
be able to apply Psychosocial Rehabilitation practices in their work


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October 16, 2024

Title Speaker Description Goals CEU

Relationship Building through Active Listening
(09:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Pacific Time (GMT-8)

Anna Littleford


Listening for the story, instead of just to solve a problem is key to building helping relationships. This workshop explores how we listen and provides opportunities and ways to help us improve our listening skills. The principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication will be presented, explored and applied to the process of establishing effective relationships.

Participants will learn the 3 types of listening responses:
1. Simple Reflection
2. Reflection of Feeling
3. Double-Sided Reflection
Participants will be able to demonstrate the 3 listening responses.


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November 06, 2024

Title Speaker Description Goals CEU

Principle Guided Decision Making
(09:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Pacific Time (GMT-8)

Guyton Colantuono

Joe Ruiz


Decision making involves more than following policies and procedures. Consideration of the development and maintenance of an effective working relationship is key in the decision making process. This workshop explores the factors that are part of our decision making when the situation isn’t so clear, and how our decision making process can help build open and honest relationships with those we serve.

Participants will learn the 5 factors of principle-guided decision making:
1. Member/Client Preference
2. Staff Limitations/Preference
3. Rehabilitation/Clinical Concerns
4. Ethical Considerations
5. Role Responsibilities
Participants will be able to apply the 5 factors in their decision making processes.


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January 15, 2025

Title Speaker Description Goals CEU

Approaches to Growth - Harm Reduction
(09:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Pacific Time (GMT-8)

Guyton Colantuono


Harm Reduction, though originally developed in the substance use field, mirrors the principles of psychosocial rehabilitation. This workshop will illustrate how using harm reduction in the delivery of services is not only empowering to staff but provides a more meaningful opportunity to engage people as they walk and define their recovery journey. The workshop will challenge many macro assumptions about mental health, substance use, and other behaviors and provide direct service staff with an intervention crosswalk that is more person centered than the one shoe fits all approach that permeates our field.

To goal of this training develop participants' willingness and ability to provide integrated, person-centered care to people who are actively using substances. As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
1. Identify two reasons why a person-centered model is essential for people with co-occurring disorders.
2. Identify three skills that are key to practicing harm reduction.
3. Distinguish between safety, moderation, and abstinence, when using a harm reduction mode


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