Connecticut DMHAS Learning Series: Building Bridges from Isolation to Community
When: February 27, 2025
Where: Online
A diagnosis is not a destiny
CASRA is a statewide organization of private, not-for-profit, public benefit corporations that serve clients of the California public mental health system.
Member agencies provide a variety of services that designed to enhance the quality of life and community participation of youth, adults and older adults living with challenging mental health issues.
Such services include:
Advocacy and service coordination; transitional and permanent housing; crisis and transitional residential treatment; outreach and engagement services; integrated mental health and drug and alcohol treatment; and services designed to support education and employment goals.
California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies (CASRA) is dedicated to improving services and social conditions for people with psychiatric disabilities by promoting their recovery, rehabilitation and rights.
When: February 27, 2025
Where: Online
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